Twelfth Night: Audition #1

Photo Credits: Raffi Th'ng

If you've missed the first audition, fear not! TUCSPA are still looking for roles to cast, so if you are interested to be a part of the play Twelfth Night, take note of these dates and info:

Audition Dates: 2nd March 2010 and 3rd March 2010

Venue: 2nd March- Lakeside Campus
           3rd March- Leisure Commerce Square Auditorium

Time: 4 p.m. onwards


(1) A Classical monologue (2-3 minutes)
-text in verse by Shakespeare

(2) A Contemporary monologue (2-3 minutes)
-text in prose from any contemporary 20th, 21st century playwright
-audition pieces can also be taken from movie screenplays

(3) Song
-sung with guitar accompaniment (for male actors)
-singing is optional

(1) and (2) are mandatory requirements if you wish to auditions. Singing as mentioned is optional. Please remember that for the Shakespearean monologue, the text has to be in verse and not prose. You can choose from any of Shakespeare's plays.

This audition is open to all Taylor's University College students. If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact Dinesh Kumar (014-236 4248).

Spread the word amongst your fellow friends. Hope to see you there.

Anyone that doesn't know where to start when choosing their monologues should give these websites a try. Good luck!

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